For English, see below
Onderzoek verandert door (nieuwe) AI-toepassingen. Maar wat nu als we de wetenschap meer open willen maken? Kan kunstmatige intelligentie ons daarbij helpen?
Maandagmiddag 23 september organiseren de Nederlandse Unesco Commissie en de Unesco-leerstoel in Diversity and Inclusion in Global Science (Universiteit Leiden) een workshop over kunstmatige intelligentie en Open Science. De focus van de middag ligt op het betrekken van maatschappelijke belanghebbenden. Hoe kunnen AI-toepassingen ervoor zorgen dat een breder publiek onderdeel kan worden van het onderzoeksproces? Kan kunstmatige intelligentie een rol spelen bij het opzetten van projecten met inwoners (citizen science) of het versterken van wetenschappelijk vrijwilligerswerk?
De Workshop vindt plaats in Leiden, in het Pieter de la Courtgebouw, lokaal 5A.42. De voertaal tijdens het event is Engels.
12:00 h: Unesco, Open Science, and AI (Jon Verriet, Nederlandse Unesco Commissie)
12:15 h: AI and open engagement of societal actors with presentations from representatives of these projects: WODAN vs. Heritage Quest, CitiObs, FORRT
13:15 h: Discussion
13:45 h: Coffee break
14:15 h: Break-out sessions: What do we need to know to start using AI for open engagement of societal actors?
15:00 h: Panel discussion of questions and feedback from break-out sessions. With representatives from Netherlands eScience Center, SURF, Open Science-NL, and TNO.
16:00 h: Next steps: how to connect researchers to AI opportunities for societal engagement. Opportunities for researchers in the Netherlands.
16:30 h: Networking reception until 18:00
U dient zich voor de Workshop aan te melden. Dit kan via dit formulier. Na de eerste vijftig aanmeldingen starten wij een wachtlijst.
Register Now: Unesco Workshop on AI and Open Science
Research is being transformed by (new) AI applications. But what happens when we aim to make science more open? Can artificial intelligence help us achieve that?
On the afternoon of Monday, September 23rd, the Netherlands Commission for Unesco and the Unesco Chair on Diversity and Inclusion in Global Science (Leiden University) will host a workshop on AI and Open Science. The event will focus specifically on engaging societal stakeholders. How can AI applications enable a broader public to become involved in the research process? Can artificial intelligence help launch citizen science projects or enhance scientific volunteerism?
The workshop will be held in Leiden at the Pieter de la Court Building, room 5A.42. The language of the event will be English.
12:00 h: Unesco, Open Science, and AI (Jon Verriet, Nederlandse Unesco Commissie)
12:15 h: AI and open engagement of societal actors with presentations from representatives of these projects: WODAN vs. Heritage Quest, CitiObs, FORRT
13:15 h: Discussion
13:45 h: Coffee break
14:15 h: Break-out sessions: What do we need to know to start using AI for open engagement of societal actors?
15:00 h: Panel discussion of questions and feedback from break-out sessions. With representatives from Netherlands eScience Center, SURF, Open Science-NL, and TNO.
16:00 h: Next steps: how to connect researchers to AI opportunities for societal engagement. Opportunities for researchers in the Netherlands.
16:30 h: Networking reception until 18:00
Registration for the workshop is required. You can sign up via this form. Once the first fifty spots are filled, we will begin a waitlist.